Caveat: Tree #541 Friday - 2020-06-26, 21:25 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Tree / My Photos Ready, set, grow! [daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Art #61 Friday - 2020-06-26, 12:23 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 My Drawings & Paintings / Some Daily Art I made this still life using pastels in my 1992 art class in Pasadena.
Caveat: Poem #1426 “The geofictician” Friday - 2020-06-26, 06:20 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Poem / Book 3 / Haikuish Objects / My Poetry & Fiction ㅁ I could dream of lines and mold them into mountains, then add some nice towns – a pseudo-haiku.