Caveat: Tree #517 Tuesday - 2020-06-02, 21:33 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Tree / My Photos This tree overlooks the road. [daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Art #37 Tuesday - 2020-06-02, 13:06 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 My Drawings & Paintings / Some Daily Art This is a sketch done during my art class in 1988. It looks like some paper bags.
Caveat: Poem #1402 “Oh, hello” Tuesday - 2020-06-02, 06:34 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Poem / Book 3 / Haikuish Objects / My Poetry & Fiction ㅁ the kitchen window making oatmeal, looking out a young deer strolled by – a pseudo-haiku.