Day: March 12, 2020
Caveat: Best of Arhet, Week 5
[This is a cross-post from my other blog.]
The best mapping in Arhet for this week.
User Moskva, here.
I feel a need to comment on this selection. It is definitely not my preferred style. The geography and patterns of settlement are interesting and well-done, but there are too many motorways relative to underlying detail – there basically is no detail at higher zooms. That’s why the whole thing is being done at reduced scale (i.e. I believe 1 km on Arhet’s globe represents 10 km?).
That said, I appreciate the effort going into it and it’s clearly serious geofiction.
Music to map by: Goo Goo Dolls, “Name.”

Caveat: Poem #1320 “And nothing was said”
ㅁ Dream-sung humming root echoes silent, among my lives, while multitudes - he devours the soul, dances helplessly, chained to the past by what he said. I the variable in some universe determined by a fraction of time. Beyond is within, a skeletoned beach with rough velvet sand. This dream I'd had kissed my dream with pain, and the gentle wrenching strength tore tears from my eyes, and left me empty. It was not right that she was there, she would not leave, but stared the angry challenge of a stranded tiger, sad and - - - alone. I was alone. I never said anything, and she didn't either, and ...
– a free-form poem. This poem is another “guest post” from my distant past. I found it handwritten on an undated loose sheet of paper among my many old papers. Based on the style of my handwriting (which has changed often over the years) and the type of paper, I believe this was written around 1984 or early 1985. I have copied it without editing, though I didn’t retain my idiosyncratic capitalization of the epoch. In fact this poem is about a repeating dream I had all through my teens and early 20’s which I still vividly remember.