Caveat: The Big Decision

Well, the details are not nailed down at all, but I've made it "official" – as much as such things can be in Korea. 

I am ending my career as a Korean hagwon teacher and moving back to the US within the next 2 months. Exact dates will be determined eventually.

This is really hard for me, and I hate feeling like I am letting down the people (coworkers and students) at Karma, where I have been working these past 7 years. But it feels necessary.

More later, I guess.

I met with my friend Peter this morning, and we talked for a while and had lunch before I went to work. He's back in Korea having just finished his Master's in Korean Studies at Johns Hopkins SAIS (which is in DC). Very impressive accomplishment, in my opinion. And now he's networking and thinking about his next move – some kind of job, obviously, but he seems willing to take his time and find the right gig.

His quizzing me on the whys and wherefores of my big decision were helpful. He has a way of getting me to think clearly about my intentions and motives. 

[daily log: walking, 9km]

Caveat: Poem #688

Love is easiest with no object.
It can wisely lope across fields
Of seething intensities,
Missing all the atoms,
Dodging galaxies:

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