Caveat: On the Gradual Adoption of Decadent Western Holiday Scheduling Practices

It would seem that Korea is beginning to give a try at adopting that scandalously decadent US practice of moving minor holidays to Mondays in order to give people long weekends. Honestly, except for the "bridge days" associated with major holidays like Thanksgiving (추석) and the Lunar New Year (설날), I've never seen Koreans doing that before. But this year, with the peculiar "Children's Day" holiday (May 5) falling on a Saturday, the government announced that instead the holiday would be on Monday, May 7th.

And lo, I have a day off. Right in the hellish (schedule-wise) month of May.

So I will rest. And rest some more, after that first resting is done.

[daily log: walking, 2km]

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