Caveat: 映画に出てくるような 本物のヒーロー

I suppose you could say I’m a bit of a fan of the Japanese polymathic popstar Genki Sudo. I’ve posted at least 3 of his videos on this here blog before.
He and his group WORLD ORDER (all caps, please) made a new music video, darkly satirizing America’s twitterer-in-chief.
What I’m listening to right now.

WORLD ORDER, “Let’s Start World War 3.”
歌詞 (I’m not sure this all the lyrics, but it might be – the song’s actual words seem pretty short).

“We assembled here today
are issuing a new decree
to be heard in every city
in every foreign capital
and in every hall of power.
From this day forward
a new vision will govern our land.
From this day forward
it’s going to be only
America First.
America First!”

つまらない日々に 終わりを告げる男が
世界を救うため この世に遂に現れた
お金持ちで背も高い プロレスもできて頭も良い
映画に出てくるような 本物のヒーロー
Let’s start World War 3
We’re gonna have a party

あなたの金髪に 青い瞳に憧れ
僕らはどこまでも ついていきます
Let’s start World War 3
We’re gonna have a party

“Let’s grab them by the pussy”

Let’s start World War 3
Can’t break out from this feeling
Let’s start World War 3

“We will make America wealthy again
We will make America proud again
We will make America safe again
And yes, together
We will make America great again”

Translation of the Japanese part above (from the subtitles).

On a boring day
A man who speaks of the end
and wants to save the world
finally appeared
He’s rich and tall
And has a mind that can even understand WWE
Like from a real hero
Right out of a film

I yearn for your blonde hair
and blue eyes
Wherever you go
We will follow you

picture[daily log: walking, 7km]

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