Caveat: 굽은 나무가 선산을 지킨다

I learned this aphorism from my book of aphorisms.

굽은 나무가 선산을 지킨다
gup.eun seon.san.eul ji.kin.da
crooked-PPART tree-SUBJ gravesite-OBJ defend-PRES
A crooked tree [still] defends a gravesite.

Everything serves some purpose – even those things that seem useless.
[daily log: walking, 1km]

Caveat: Poem #545

December, 627
The Emperor Iraklios disliked
the foggy plains where Sumer once held sway.
He marched for Ctesiphon, but then turned back;
they’d cut the bridges, stopping any chance.
He’d made his point regardless: King of Kings
in Persia signed the treaty in the end.
[daily log: walking, 7.5km]

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