Caveat: 시어미에게 역정나서 개 옆구리 찬다

I learned this aphorism from my book of aphorisms.

시어미에게 역정나서 개 옆구리 찬다 gae chan.da
mother-in-law-DATIVE anger-happen-SO dog flank kick-PRES
[She’s] mad at the mother-in-law, so [she] kicks the dog.

This means the same as “shit rolls downhill,” I reckon. It’s the idea of the pecking order, or the food chain, or whatever you want to call it. The traditional Korean household is hierarchical, and the mother-in-law outranks her daughter-in-law. So the daugher-in-law has to maintain the utmost respect and deference toward the former, and when she’s mad, she has to vent her anger elsewhere. Poor dog.
[daily log: walking, 6.5km]

Caveat: Poem #528

The frigid air, a week before, had lurked
across America, but now, it seems,
it's slipped beyond the polar realms, and down
into the east of Asia where I am.

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