Caveat: The content is nothing

I've been a bit under the weather, I guess. Actually, it's possibly just the outcome of some work-related stress, on issues I'm not really comfortable trying to summarize right now. I'll get around to it at some point. Meanwhile, I feel kind of lousy and plan to do as little as possible this weekend… or even less. 

What I'm listening to right now.

Haujobb, "Dead Market."


Contact and rupture
Unlike a pulse
Law of repetition
We will always follow

Identity is safe
The content is nothing
Deconstruction of form
We will always follow

Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the rhythm
Dominate the beat
Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat
Dominate the world

Desire remains
Discharge of pleasure
Absence of contact
We will always follow

Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the rhythm
Dominate the beat
Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat
Dominate the world

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Random Poem #26

(Poem #327 on new numbering scheme)

The cat was jumping in the shrubs and grass
that occupied the edges of the path.
No one was seeing it, which set it free,
just like a tree that falls in the forest.
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