Caveat: The cow’s opinion

Scene: My "Davinci1-M" cohort, low-intermediate Elementary English, grades 3-6 mixed. 

Topic: A cartoon picture in our textbook of a farmer milking a cow

Teacher: "What's happening in the picture?"

Katie: "The farmer is making milk."

Teacher: "I don't think the farmer is making milk."

Amy: "The cow is making milk. The farmer is taking milk."

Teacher: "Excellent, Amy. That's very good. I think that's right."

Scott: "I think the cow's feeling is, 'Please don't touch my body!'" 

Point taken, Scott.

[daily log: walking, 6.5km]

Caveat: Quatrain #63

(Poem #259 on new numbering scheme)

A flowering, dystopian land
is found at empire's edge:
the north looks south; the south looks north;
near Ilsan, there's time's ledge.

– a quatrain in ballad meter.

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