Caveat: Wasting time…

Last night in the HS1-T cohort, Dayeon was getting annoyed and jealous because her classmate Hyein was being very diligent and was giving excellent, well-prepared answers.

So I said to Dayeon, "You could be doing the same. Why don't you focus, and do the same?" Dayeon is quite smart, but she lacks the singular focus that Hyein has.

Dayeon surprised me with her very straightforward and self-aware answer to my suggestion.

"I can't," she said. "Because I am a person who likes to waste time."

I was impressed by the precision and correctness of her English, too. And how could I argue with that?

I let her waste some time. At the end of class, Dayeon had homework, but Hyein had none.

Nevertheless, I have sympathy for Dayeon – I too, am a person who likes to waste time.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Quatrains #52-53

(Poem #249 on new numbering scheme)

The hungry alligator sat.
He looked at many things:
a tree, a boy, a dog, a boat,
a famished bat with wings.
"What shall I eat?" he wondered. "Boys.
can be delicious, true....
and dogs in boats have lousy taste,
and trees are hard to chew."

– two quatrains in ballad meter.

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