Caveat: Englyn #68 “Sunk” Sunday - 2017-01-22, 04:34 Tuesday - 2023-08-15 A Daily Poem / Book 1 / Englyn / My Poetry & Fiction (Poem #175 on new numbering scheme) The sun had forsaken all, having slipped down a deep well. There were bad fish in that pool that had stolen the sun's soul. – an englyn proest dalgron [daily log: walking 1km] Previous PostCaveat: Englyn #67 Next PostCaveat: the elderly people go out of control One comment Wendy Miller Sunday - 2017-01-22 at 07:58 8 years ago That reminds me of a Haruki Murakama novel…the wind up bird chronicles. I discovered this author when I read Kafka by the Shore in your apartment! Comments are closed.
Wendy Miller Sunday - 2017-01-22 at 07:58 8 years ago That reminds me of a Haruki Murakama novel…the wind up bird chronicles. I discovered this author when I read Kafka by the Shore in your apartment!
That reminds me of a Haruki Murakama novel…the wind up bird chronicles. I discovered this author when I read Kafka by the Shore in your apartment!