Caveat: For Some Reasons

I suppose it must be a translation of a typical Korean way of phrasing things: my students almost universally will offer "for some reasons" when preparing to give a list of more than one reason for something. It makes sense, but it sounds unidiomatic in English. Being around it so much, however, it has become part of my idiolect, like some other Koreanisms, like starting a sentence with "By the way…" or "And then…" when those phrases aren't quite pragmatically appropriate.

By the way, I had a very hard week, this past week, for some reasons.

First, there was a lot to be done at work. Because I had to prepare more detailed versions of my syllabuses for my Elementary classes. Also, we had a business dinner. Also, Friday morning, I got some weird upset stomach thing, so I'm wondering if it was a mild food poisoning or something, since it passed fairly quickly, and it was unpleasant while it lasted.

And then, the week is finally over.

Nowadays, I am recovering from it.

It was lightly snowing this morning, but it doesn't show in this picture among the Hugok redwoods (deciduous "dawn redwoods," metasequoia).


[daily log: walking, 7.5km]

Caveat: Englyn #66

(Poem #173 on new numbering scheme)

I like snow in the winter,
but this dawn's fall seemed bitter,
like some song flung forth in fear
by a reluctant choir.

– an englyn proest dalgron

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