Caveat: Broke(n) Cities

Urban planning has always fascinated me. I think if I'd felt more confident and more motivated during my college years, I'd have pursued that as a career.

Perhaps it can be attributed to my somewhat countercultural background, but I have always harbored a great deal of skepticism about what might be termed the US's "typical suburban development model." Recently I ran across a rather stunning indictment of this development model, concluding that not only does it produce fragmented and/or insular communities and excessive energy consumption, but it also is, in strictly financial terms, something like a publicly-sponsored pyramid scheme and utterly unsustainable. 

[daily log: walking, 5km]

Caveat: Englyn #62

(Poem #169 on new numbering scheme)

I'm just really exhausted
this Monday evening. I had
six classes. For each, I stood
and talked. The kids sat and stared.

– an englyn proest dalgron

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