Caveat: Well that’s surprising

I went back to the hospital this morning, this time to see the Oral Oncologist – the glorified dentist Dr Min who has been monitoring my main post-cancer side-effect, the radiation necrosis in my lower jaw. 

He inspected my mouth, and sat back, looking puzzled. I felt a bit nervous.

"Well that's surprising," he said.

I asked what. 

"It's healed quite a bit. That really normally doesn't happen with necrosis like you have."

That was encouraging.

To what can we attribute this healing? It could be the medicine he's had me on – the off-label use of the blood thinner. It could be my punctilious adherence to my oral hygiene, refusing all between-meals food and brushing diligently, which only broke down during my trip in November. Maybe it's the way I worry the hole with my toothbrush, aggressively, when I brush. Or maybe it's just luck.

Anyway, it's good news.

The day is chilly, but it didn't snow last night, despite the forecast. So far is hasn't snowed at all, this winter. That's kind of boring.

[daily log: walking, 12km]

Caveat: Englyn #57

(Poem #164 on new numbering scheme)

The sentences formed and flowed,
spilling forth, flowers in flood,
but still no one understood
the words - no real person could.

– an englyn proest dalgron

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