Caveat: I’ll post this later

I'm really dissatisfied with my tendency to procrastinate, lately. I have a lot of stuff piled up at work, and I have things that need to get done related to my upcoming trip, and I'm just doing really badly lately at getting things done. 

I don't have a solution at hand. I'm trying to clean up some of the clutter in my apartment, with the thinking that the messy environment is part of what is inhibiting me. I worry that I have "hoarder" tendencies, sometimes. 

This post is more banal than usual – strictly journaling my current state of mind.

[daily log: walking, 6.5km]

Caveat: Nonnet #82

(Poem #100 on new numbering scheme)

A failure of communication
with a few of my coworkers
caused me to tell a student
with a confident voice
the exact wrong thing.
She cried, asking,
"Teacher, why
did you

– a nonnet

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