Caveat: a luminous spring morning visit to the purifying land of the condemned and dying

…at the hospital for a check-up… update later.

2016-04-25 09.51.50.jpg

Update, a few hours later: In fact, I'm not sure that the luminosity is consequent to or despite the patina of yellow dust in the sky. Anyway, the news is not so bad. The doctor lauded my epithelials – high praise from an oral oncologist. Things are finally growing back, I guess, and perhaps we can attribute this to the medication regime. So we renewed the prescription, and will tackle some of the less pressing problems in the dental regime, next visit.

Here is another picture from my walk to the hospital. There were little pink lanterns hung from the trees – decorations for the upcoming Buddhamas.

2016-04-25 09.51.50.jpg

[daily log: walking, 11km]


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