I learned this idiom from a coworker.
십일번 타고가다
sip.il.beon ta.go.ga.da
eleven-number ride-and-go
…take the number eleven [bus route].
Literally, it means “take the number 11 bus route.” But the number 11 bus route is a metaphor for walking. Why? The digits “11” resemble two legs, I guess. I think this an idiom I can find much use for, given how much I walk as opposed to other forms of transportation. I like when I learn such useful things to say. Although who knows when I might actually find myself saying it – the next time someone offers me a ride that I turn down, I suppose.
[daily log: riding the number 11, 6.5km]
Hi Jared,
I like the imagery behind the “bus 11” idiom. I’ll see if can establish it among German speakers by using it whenever I can. I also walk a lot and often turn down ride offers, so I ought to have plenty of opportunity to use it.
That being said, I’ve been unsuccessful (so far) in establishing the term “tragbar” (German for “portable in the sense of “carryable” as opposed to “easily ported”) as a skewed, non-technical alternative for PDF.