caveat: just like old times

i am off to the hospital this morning, walking in a slow rain the same route that became rote last fall. i will have a ct scan. i feel more nervous about this one than the one in january, because my hypochondria has been in a kind of overdrive lately. i keep wondering if my remission has ended with each twinge of pain or discomfort that i feel. it could just be the nerve damage in my mouth, evolving or adapting or healing, but sometimes the sensations too greatly resemble those i associate with before my diagnosis and surgery.

Caveat: It hurts. That’s how you know it’s worth it.

"It hurts. That's how you know it's worth it." – a throwaway line in Birds of Prey (a cheesy and quickly cancelled superheros-genre TV series from 2003), episode 13.

Sometimes you find deep wisdom in unexpected places.

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