caveat: zap-o-matic number 18

if i were to write a book about my cancer experience right now, i might as well subtitle it "the sputum chronicles." i realize its gross, but if you look through for a unifying leitmotif, that is what is there.

my congestion has been worsening, my phlegm and sinus drip is annoying as usual but exacerbated by my difficulty swallowing, etc. my dry mouth phenomenon is entirely perceptual and mostly has been from the start, as ive observed before. the fact is my mouth is full of yuck.

one of the most disgusting habits i have never gotten around to forgiving in my fellow humans is the habit of spitting on the ground in public. it is prevalent to the point of universality in korea, and is one of those small "things i hate" here. but now. . . im the one doing it, four or five times on my 20 minute walk. gwack.

the doctor said its "thick saliva" rather than sputum, to be precise. whatever. its just unpleasant.

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