caveat: running

not really running, but after several hours this afternoon visiting with my friend grace, it occurred to me to wonder, is it possible to try too hard to recover?

the doctors and nurses have endlessly cautioned about the dangers of bedsores, yet both peter and grace said i move around too much. i seem to alternate restlessness with unfocused tiredness. the restlessness leads to a lot of "exercise" – which the doctors said i couldnt really do too much of: i walk endless tiny orbits in the limited corridors of the east half of the tenth floor, pushing my iv stand beside me like an unwilling pet draged on a walk. as i walked alongside grace i wondered if id covered a kilometer yet today.

"i dont know but this more walking than ive done in a while," she said. grace is notorious for being the type of person who flags a taxi for less-than-kilometer trips.

we both laughed. and she mock-complained that rather than trying to decipher my messy hand written notes she had to decipher my raspy badly articulated voice instead.

when she left i ran the pain med for the first time since six am, and went to sleep. i can only ever sleep in one to two hour chunks, due to bladder on iv filling so regularly, so after dreaming i was running through the corridors, now im awake to reflect on my day.

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