Curt taught me this aphorism while we were in the waiting room the other day. It may be something associated or of frequent occurance in the military – which is essentially a universal experience for Korean males. The way Curt explained it, however, he implied it was Buddhist. It makes equal sense in both contexts.
피할 수 없는 고통이라면 차라리 즐겨라
pi.hal su.eops.neun go.tong.i.ra.myeon cha.ra.ri jeul.gyeo.ra
avoid-FUTPART able not-have-PRESPART pain-be-IF rather enjoy-IMPER
If pain is unavoidable just enjoy [life].
Of course. To the best of my ability.
I said it to the doctor as we were concluding our interview. He said something to the effect of, “I never met a foreigner like you before.” I guess I was pleased by that, in a strange way.
Unrelatedly (or is it?)… from 9gag.
Love it!!!!