The other day in my little-ones class, we were drawing our current story – a derivation of Disney/Pixar's "Brave". I posted about this [broken link! FIXME] last week. But in going through my notes for that class last night I ran across this picture of the character Merida, that I drew (I do a lot of drawing in that class, both to show the kids what to do, as well as to entertain them). Considering it was a sketch done in two or three minutes, I was pretty happy with this drawing of Merida working.
Day: February 18, 2013
Caveat: US Slavery Didn’t End in 1865
I suggest reading this excerpt, from a book by Douglas A. Blackmon entitled Slavery by Another Name. I recall reading about his before, but this article (and book) appear quite in-depth. I think it's a very important component of US history, that is far too neglected.
I've been on a history-reading kick these most recent years – much more than the fiction I used to read. So I'm going to try to find this book if I can. The image at right is from the book. It's from the 1930s. Yes, those 1930s – not the 1830s.