Caveat: technology recapitulates ecology

A very hungry robot seeks its fortune in the world.

Flying Lotus – Putty Boy Strut (Until The Quiet Comes, new album out October 1st/2nd) from Warp Records on Vimeo.

Sometimes I think about that old (and somewhat discredited) maxim from biology: “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” This video makes me creatively paraphrase that maxim as: “technology recapitulates ecology.”


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Caveat: Pathos

An 8 year old girl writes this in her "essay book" – a kind of weekly diary entry for intermediate students. I present it uncorrected.

Today my mom is angry. Because I make my mom is angry, my mom is very angry. My sister and I am scary. My mom is angry I cry. When my mom is angry she hit something. So sister and I am very scary. I think 'I didn't make my mom angry.' And I really promise I didn't make my mom angry. ㅠㅠ

Note that the use of the past tense "didn't make my mom angry" probably is meant to reflect a hoped-for state, as "I wish I hadn't made my mom angry," as it seems to sometimes be used in Korean.

I feel some pathos for the girl's situation.

What I'm listening to right now.

Parov Stelar, "My Inner Me (feat. Phoebe Hall)."

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