Caveat: The library is answer key

Sally’s essay.


Hansaem’s paean to the book is pretty typical of the students in Korea that I’ve interacted with. It’s clearly part of the Korean cultural value system, and it’s one of the reasons I feel deeply optimistic about Korean culture and society, despite its dysfunctions.

Lucy’s essay.


I was deeply touched by her message at the bottom – that’s the main reason I’m putting it here. Is it conceited of me to post it? Keep in mind that this blog has ended up functioning as a kind of “scrapbook” for my own memories over the years of teaching, too, in an unexpected way.

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Caveat: Голубая тетрадь

Голубая тетрадь

Жил один рыжий человек,
у которого не было глаз и ушей. У него
не было и волос, так что рыжим его называли
Говорить он не мог, так как у
него не было рта. Носа тоже у него не
У него не было даже рук и ног. И
живота у него не было, и спины у него не
было, и хребта у него не было, и никаких
внутренностей у него не было. Ничего не
было! Так что непонятно, о ком идет
Уж лучше мы о нем не будем больше

Даниил Иванович Хармс



Once there lived a red-haired man who lacked eyes and
Ha was also lacking all hair, so he was called red-haired
only with a large degree of
He couldn’t speak,
as he was lacking a mouth. The same with his nose.
Even arms and
legs, he just didn’t have any. Nor stomach, nor backside, nor
And no intestine. He didn’t have anything! Therefore it is
unclear who is being discussed.
In fact, let’s not talk
about him anymore. 

– Daniil Khams (translation
unattributed but link provided)

My Russian is so rusty that I really can’t read it. But it’s entertaining to try.

What I’m listening to right now.

Trentemøller, “Miss You.”

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