Caveat: Total Precipitable Water GIF

These things are very cool. Total atmospheric “precipitable water” (i.e. water suspended in the air) above each ocean point, presented by Univ of Wisconsin.

It’s animated – click on it.


I found them here, after following a link from xkcd – of course (see previous post).

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Caveat: Cluck and Drug

I thought it would be a short-lived joke, when I landed on the recent xkcd cartoon and it said, in the pop-up text, “click and drag.”

I cluck and drug. And cluck and drug. And 30 minutes later I was still clicking and dragging. Very entertaining. Follow the link – it doesn’t embed very well.

My favorite gem: after scrolling down and down and down and down there were these people trapped in a hole. They were hoping someone would friend them on facebook or twitter.


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