Caveat: Listless Hint of Fall

I’ve been feeling listless the last few days. Not much energy, despite sleeping more than usual. Perhaps it’s the transition in seasons that one can sort of feel in the air – lower humidity, slightly cooler weather, despite the hurricane (aka typhoon) at the beginning of the week.

What I’m listening to right now.

Röyksopp, “The Girl and the Robot.” The video is kind of weird, and seems to have a strange 80s vibe to it – perhaps it’s the woman’s hairstyle or something.

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Caveat: Anti-Occam

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." – Einstein, elaborating on (caveating) Occam's Razor.

I was talking about Occam's Razor in my debate class last month. I should bring this quote from Einstein up. as couterpoint, when we start again after the test-prep period.

– Notes for Korean –
따르다 = pour, fill (e.g. a cup)

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