I live about 10 miles from the North Korean border. Mostly, I can totally ignore this fact. Today, while I was walking to work, I was reminded, as I saw not one but two Korean military helicopters passing overhead, in the cold blue sky. Understandably, the Korean military is probably doing things.
The Onion conveyed the hereditary Stalinist, Kim Jeong-eun’s insecurities.
Meanwhile, yesterday I had fun with first-graders. Three of my phonics kids drew self-portraits on the blackboard, during the break. I thought it was cute. They also drew Christmas trees for me, later.
What I’m listening to right now.
The Youngsters, “Smile (Sasha Remix from Involver).” Euroelectronica, I guess.
Walking home in the dark, it was snowing. First real snow, I would say – the other was a false alarm. This is the real stuff.
Side observation (or trivial pondering of the day): why do Koreans with foreign cars (like BMW’s and Chevys) drive worse than Koreans with local marques?