Caveat: Airplane Crud

It seems like often, after traveling by airplane, I get a kind of flu-like thing, which I often associate with jet-lag.  But traveling north-south, of course, there's not much jet-lag.  Nevertheless, I definitely feel really awful.  Possibly partly it's just the contrast in weather, temperature, all of that?  Yesterday I felt so incredibly cold  – yet I'd gone through all of December and January with hardly ever really feeling cold.  But coming from definite summer to the middle of definite winter… I really felt it.  Oh well. 

It turns out I get a slight reprieve on my expected #4 move, which my school had promised for right after returning to Yeonggwang – I don't have to move until the end of February.  Currently, the new structure – according to the poor guy who's already there – has no hot water and no internet.  Hmm… I think I'm content with the long commute and no washing machine.  Well, it will be one thing or another going wrong, it seems.  How to stay positive?

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