Unlike 2008, I felt very little optimism about this election. I don't see myself as a typical disillusioned obamite, but I suppose the end result is the same – I failed to motivate myself to get my absentee ballot and vote in this election. The Minnesota governor's race is the only I found even vaguely compelling, but divided three ways, it seemed to me unclear what to opt for – the two options I would consider, the Independent and the Democrat, both seemed stunningly uninspiring when I heard them speaking. I like my congressman, Keith Ellison, well as could be expected, and he seemed in no danger of losing. Anyway… so I didn't vote. The whole tone of the election, nationwide, seemed just disturbing, on all sides.
I'm grateful to be an expat.
I took a "sick day," today. I'm not even really used to the idea that I actually have "sick days" – in hagwon land, there's no such thing. This is my first sick day I've taken since I started working in Korea, 3 years ago. Not the first time I've been sick, although the worst I've been sick, too, by far.
My bout with food poisoning has left me feeling pretty glum with the aftereffects on my health. I'll muddle through, but I'm not feeling my shiny, vibrant self.