Caveat: 황사

황사 (hwang-sa = yellow sand) is what they call the springtime storms of dust that roll in from the Chinese desert far to the west. Korea’s always had these… but in recent years, because of Chinese industrial pollutants and deforestation in China and Mongolia, they’ve become more severe and much more of a health and environmental hazard.

Yesterday was heavily grey, overcast but with a vaguely brownish-yellow tinge. It’s hard to capture on film, but here’s a picture I took, out wandering about randomly in Seoul – note that it’s about 3 in the afternoon – hardly sunsettime – but weirdly dark. Today is blue and clear. Huge contrast.

Caveat: Hazard

It might be obvious to some, who know me well and can “read between the lines” – I’m not doing well, lately. I’m frustrated and depressed on multiple fronts. Foremost, the Korean language acquisition efforts aren’t feeling successful. Next, the job front is dispiriting: the latest affront has been the fact that the recruiter who offered me a job in Jeollanam Province has completely ignored me since I responded with an acceptance. It looked like a “firm” offer and that it was just a matter of paperwork. But… nothing. For over a week. I even called the office, which is in Canada, and only got a “oh, he’s out of the office at the moment.” I don’t know what’s going on. And such blatant unprofessionalism merits a firm but depressing response on my part, which is to say: “nevermind, thankyouverymuch.” And, it’s time to find a new recruiter. Again. Lastly… well, lastly, I’m just feeling generally gloomy, uncreative, aimless, lonely, old.

I really shouldn’t even be complaining. My life isn’t so bad. 그냥…

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