It's been snowing continuously for about three days. Actually, I know it hasn't, but it has sort of felt that way. The first half of the week was all about rain. It rained a lot, and felt like part of an impending Korean Spring. But I think it was Thursday, it changed to snow. Quite a bit accumulated (well, by Korean standards – a few inches), but then it sort of slacked off into a very light snowflake-floating-down-now-and-then. But that's been going on now, ever since. Sometimes fewer snowflakes, sometimes more, but it's not been possible to walk around outside without crashing into an occasionaly airborne, fluffy blob of snow. It's quite beautiful. It doens't seem to be accumulating much. But it's keeping traffic snarled (of course, the giant Lunar New Year Holiday, starting today, hardly helps either).