Caveat: S(e)o(u)l(e) of Asia

“Soul of Asia” is an advertising slogan. “Sole of Asia” is an attitude problem.
This is the social reality – even the wealthiest of neighborhoods is made up of regimented rows of highrise buildings. Looking west from the 63 tower.

Caveat: Do the multicultural…

We have had "multiculturalism" as our debate topic the last few weeks.  Specifically, multiculturalism as an emerging social phenomenon (very peripheral, so far) in Korea.  I actually have some thoughts and observations at a fairly serious level about this idea, but I'll save that for a later, more coherent post.

For the moment, it's interesting seeing the Korean kids trying to make sense of it.  One of my favorite quotes comes from Kevin, who says, "if we do the multicultural, then Korean men can be happy."

I think Kevin is referring to the fact that many Korean men, these days, have been in essence "importing" brides from Southeast Asian countries – enough so that it's becoming a "problem" the government has been trying to address.  But the way Kevin writes about it makes it sound like it's some kind of weird dance.

"Hey, everybody!  Let's do the multicultural!"

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