Caveat: “Long live freedom and damn the ideologies”

"Long live freedom and damn the ideologies" — Robinson Jeffers

But meanwhile, the South Koreans show just how fun parliamentarianism can be.   Makes me think my complaining about mismanagement at hellbridge is rather petty.  The whole country clearly has a different approach to conflict (and resolution, or lack thereof) than anything I'm used to.

Caveat: 200% return?

I can't find the link or article now, but I really did see this:  apparently the Argentine government recently paid $3 (yes, 3 dollars) to nationalize Aerolíneas Argentinas (apparently in bankruptcy).  The previous owner was upset, although he´d acquired the bankrupt airline sometime previously for only $1.  I don´t see why he should be upset… that´s a 200% return on his investment, which is damn good, in these difficult times.  I´ll keep searching and post a link it if I can find it.

Soundtrack:  Moody Blues'  "Blue World"

[Embedded youtube added later, as part of Background Noise.]

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