Caveat: going down the stairs of study which you hardly climbed

So writes Brian, on a "mini-TOEFL" style test.  He's discussing the disadvantages of having a humorous friend over that of having an intelligent friend. Which is to say, funny friends will lead you astray.  But it's a delightful turn of phrase, which I'm guessing is a translation of a Korean idiom that happens to work well in English.

Caveat: 제목없음

I had a terrible dream, based at core on the fiasco of last Thursday night at work, combined with the staff observatons that are coming up.  And Condi Rice was there – in the role as Sarah-teacher.   There were supposed to be student presentations.  I was unprepared to give out the homework.  The headmaster came by (headmaster?  that’s from Moorestown).  It was on third floor of Old Main, and too hot (Old Main?  that’s at Macalester).  And I was wearing a cowboy hat.  What’s that about?  As Condi-Sarah was leaving, she was shaking her head, saying, “He did nothing… and THAT for homework?”  Pure derision.  Laughter from other annonymous observing teachers.
“God will only hear your prayers if you’re in your [home] congressional district.” – Congressman Barney Frank

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