Yesterday, I tried to come to my blog site to make a post, and it was down. Inaccessible, anyway. And now, I forgot what I was going to post about. I swear it seemed interesting at the time.
The stock market is very depressing and scary to watch, lately. And I've lost some money, for sure. But… I'm feeling very wise, since I backed out more than half my assets into cash, last summer, and that turns out to have been a safe place to have it, given current volatility.
Work has implemented a new weekly grading system. It's a lot of work – I put in several hours today filling out grades for all 150 or so of my students. But I'm actually very glad they're doing this – it introduces an element of accountability for both students and teachers that was missing up until now. Giving grades doesn't just provide for an opportunity for students to prove how they're doing, but does so for teachers, too. And that might help me feel more secure about how I'm getting along.
Bitterly cold, crisp days. And clear. Hair, still damp from a morning shower, freezes when I step outside, and my cheeks get numb in the wind. And yet, based on reports, it's much warmer here than it has been in Minnesota. Regardless, I love weather like this. Not sure why. Not like I necessarily really enjoy being out in it for long periods… but it's bracing. Strengthening, somehow. Character-building, might be a good Minnesota way of putting it.