Julie: "Teacher, teacher, how old are you?"
Jared: "I'm six hundred and sixty-two years old."
Joey: laughs, says something in Korean.
Julie: "Really? That is very old."
John: "Jared-teacher is alien."
More laughing.
Julie: "Teacher. What year are you born in?"
Jared: "I was born in 1345."
Julie: "Ohhh." Begins calculating on her notebook. Says something in Korean. More laughter.
Joey: "Teacher ape-like alien."
Jared: "Yes I'm an alien. Remember, we discussed this."
Nodding. Laughter.
John: "You come UFO?"
Jared: "My spaceship looks like this." I draw a picture on whiteboard.
Julie: "Where are you from?"
Jared: "I'm from Mars."
Students exchange glances of confusion. "Mars-eu mwa-ye?"
David: "What is Mars?"
Jared explains with a picture on the board, drawing a diagram of the solar system.
Julie: "Ahhhh!"
Jared: "Ne. Hwaseong."
Someone: "Mars-planet!"