Walking home from work today I stopped at the GS Mart in the basement of the Taeyoung Shopping Center which is across the street from my old apartment. I don't go into that GS Mart very often any more, because there are other supermarkets closer to my new apartment. But it's kind of on-the-way home (only a slight detour) and they sell a better selection of some things (they have a small selection of imported Campbells Soups, for example) than the store right in my building.
Interestingly, when I went in there today, two different cashier ladies recognized me and greeted me, and what's more, one of them asked me how I was doing relative to recovering from the cancer. I had zero recollection of having told her all this, but she apparently remembered many details of whatever I'd managed to communicate to her last summer. She asked about my brother, she asked how the radiation had gone, she asked if my insurance had covered things well. I guess I'd told her quite a bit. And this time, as no doubt last time, it was all in Korean. Having such an involved conversation in Korean is always good for my sense of accomplishment. I feel like my vocabulary is improving – if not active vocabulary, at least passive vocabulary.
Small things.
What I'm listening to right now.
Two Harbors, "You Pulled the Rug Out."
[daily log: walking, 5.5 km]