Caveat: 안뒤면 조상의 탓

안뒤면         조상의        탓

not-become-IF ancestor-GEN blame

If it doesn’t work out, [it’s] the fault of an ancestor.

So we blame others if things don’t work out. Who isn’t guilty of that? This wasn’t too difficult to figure out.

pictureWhile out yesterday, I got a new book, so I now have a functionally infinite supply of proverbs to attempt to comprehend. This is much easier than trying to find things on the interwebs that I could try to figure out – most online compilations of proverbs that I’ve found are fairly limited, although I admit my ability to search for such compilations in Korean is limited.

The book is a 2012 reprint of a 1970 re-issue of a 1958 publication, so it’s definitely “old school.” The title is Maxims and Proverbs of Old Korea, by Tae Hung Ha.

Here is another picture from yesterday – I like taking pictures of the paintings to be found on the outsides of temples.


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