Caveat: Tree #1873 “Waiting around / sheer panic”

This tree awaited the approaching darkness.


I’m really not doing well lately. I’m really stressed by the financial “bookkeeping” side of running the store – especially preparing for and dealing with tax-related stuff. I hate preparing taxes even when they’re easy – and this year, for the first time in my life (arguably), they are definitely NOT easy. Running a small business is a bureaucratic tangle worthy of Kafka.

Meanwhile, I feel like I’ve increasingly lost a technical grasp of the websites I run – they coast along but there are aspects of how they work that I truly cannot understand, and that leaves me feeling helpless when things go wrong – as happened this evening with the main map website.

Arthur is unpredictable – as I’ve mentioned many times before, being a caretaker to Arthur is a bit like being an active-duty military person: 95% waiting around and doing stupid make-work, and 5% sheer panic and SOLVE THIS PROBLEM NOW!

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 9hr]

Caveat: Tree #1869 “손병희”

This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture in July, 2009, in Seoul. The tree is behind a statue of Son Byeong-hui, a Korean religious leader, modernization advocate, and later independence activist, who died in Japanese prison in 1922.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 3hr]

Caveat: Tree #1867 “Dumptrucks and rain”

This tree saw a dumptruck parked at the neighbors’ place, where Richard is doing some work moving gravel and rocks, helping prepare the spot where the neighbors’ pier is going.

The day included over an inch of rain, which, layered on top of the packed snow and ice on the road, did no favors to the driveability of the road. It was horrible – very slip-slidey.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 1hr]

Caveat: Tree #1862 “제주나무”

This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture in the suburbs of Jeju City, South Korea in early 2011. I was there on a work-related “team building” excursion that was in most respects quite horrible, but it had some good moments.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1km;]

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