Caveat: Tree #879

This tree was photographed by me in February, 2011. I was looking out the stairway window of my apartment in Hongnong, Jeolla Province, South Korea. The building in the background is the rural public elementary school where I worked from May 2010 until May 2011.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Postgresql blues

I have been putting a lot of energy, this last week or so, in trying to scope out a new project related to my “map server,” which I’ve mentioned here often in the past. Really what I’m trying to do is create a space for a viable “mirror” of the main geofiction site where I first started this online map-drawing hobby while convalescing from my cancer surgery in 2013. That site is suffering performance issues and the owner of the site is too busy and disinterested in proper maintenance, and so the user community (about 200 active users) is concerned that the site will just “go down” one of these days without recourse for the users, and with a loss of all the creative work that’s been done there.

To build a mirror, I need to handle a much larger data-set than I do for my own little, previously-mentioned map server. And I have been wrestling with the database application used by the map server software, that goes under the brand name “PostgreSQL,” trying to get my development server to handle the much larger data-set. For comparison, my Arhet map server’s backup file is about 25MB. The opengeofiction map server’s backup file is 850MB. That’s a 34x increase in size.

So I tweak various running parameters for the database and the data-loading tool, called osm2pgsql, in hopes of getting it to work. So far, there is definitely a failure point at around 250MB. I spend a lot of time staring at the database monitoring screen on the server, trying to see what the point of failure is.


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