Caveat: Tree #821

This tree saw the hummingbird feeder deployed yesterday morning. Already, it has had some visitors.
picture[daily log: walking, 4km; hammering and sawing, 4hr]

Caveat: Frame Shop Journal #7

Over the last two weeks, I did a few picture frames at the gift shop.
If that last one looks familiar, well… I did the exact same image for another person, before. It’s the original 1922 Craig City townsite plan and survey. I guess there’s a nice, high-quality image available online, and people are getting poster-sized prints and having them framed. It’s the sort thing I could see doing myself. But I guess there’s no need, since others are doing it.
Beside making frames, I was also fairly busy at the gift shop working on making an “inventory of vendors.” It started out with realizing that the filing cabinet used to store vendor information was broken, so… I spent time repairing the filing cabinet first, so I could use it to organize the folders of the vendor information. I’m going to make a spreadsheet, I hope.

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