Caveat: Never Wash Dishes Before Having Coffee

I won't say my kitchenette sink is broken. It's just a little bit wonky. The drainpipe under the sink is just snapped on. Thus, if I am moving something around under the sink, it's possible for the drainpipe to snap off. It's easy to fix – just snap it back on.

Yesterday I took out some of my recycling, and so I was pulling the bag out from under the sink. I guess the pipe snapped off.

Normally, when this happens, I notice immediately – the water runs down out from under the sink cabinet, instead of down its drainpipe, and onto the floor where I'm standing. This is hard not to notice, and thus I will stop, mop up the spilled water, and move on.

Last night, we had hwehsik (회식 = work dinner). It went quite late. I am not drinking alcohol, because of my ongoing surgical procedures, but… I was really groggy when I got up this morning. Fuzzy-brained. Out of it.

For some reason, I decided I needed to do the dishes, first thing when I got up. The sink was full of dishes, and they were in the way of filling my coffee pot. I have been busy with work, lately, so I had been letting the dishes pile up a bit – as much as they can, given my limited supply. So I started doing dishes. I did them all.

Somehow, I was utterly oblivious to the river flowing at my feet. I guess that sets a new standard for groggy.

I flooded my apartment.

My bed, being on the floor, served as absorptive material to mop it all up. Now I am doing a lot of laundry.

On the plus side, my floor has been cleaned.

Never wash dishes before having coffee.

[daily log: walking, 6km]


  1. Jori

    I probably shouldn’t be laughing, but this made me giggle. We are SO related! I should not do anything before coffee, so I am not surprised that you didn’t notice. Rejoice in the clean floor and clean bedding. One more task not on the “to do” list…like the dishes.

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