Caveat: Who knows about money? It flows like the spirit.

Even now, I’m still feeling rotten. I’ve been on antibiotics for two weeks now, and the earache pain is intense most of the time. I don’t know what the solution is. Will have to shop for alternate medical care next week, I’m thinking.

I came home from work exhausted – Saturday is my busiest day, in fact, for work, at least in terms of class-load. I made some late lunch for myself and crashed on my sofa, intending to read, and suddenly I was asleep.

I had turned on streaming NPR on my computer before sleeping, and so I awoke to a man being interviewed on BBC’s World Service. He said – if I remember correctly:

“Who knows about money? It flows like the spirit.”

This struck me as incredibly profound, to hear this said in the moment of waking up.

The man being interviewed was Daniel Libeskind, a Polish/Israeli/American architect, quite popular these days in the skyscraper-building set (e.g. New York’s WTC 2.0 “Freedom Tower” and other projects such as Seoul’s Archipelago 21). He went on to discourse on why he didn’t feel a need to apologize for working with totalitarian regimes, as a child of Stalinist Poland, in which I heard an implicit equivalence between China the West (one which I’m sympathetic to hearing, in point of fact, in certain moods).

Below: Archipelago 21 “Master Plan”


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One comment

  1. Wendy Miller

    Sorry to hear you are sick. It is hard to be ill in foreign country, but then, Korea is hardly foreign to you! Have you tried acupuncture yet? Pat came through knee surgery just fine and is already in rehab mode. I am busy acting as contractor on the remodeling of her house. Plan to move in with her this summer when it is finished. Take care, Jared. Wendy

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