Caveat: 주민 대피소

I keep not intending to continue on this topic. But it’s… well, topical. I ran across a new posting on my building’s bulletin board in the lobby by the elevators. It’s a directory of local civil defense evacuation shelters. The picture is a little bit blurry – sorry.
2013-04-04 22.45.39
Is it me, or this a new thing? I mean, that my apartment building’s administration would see fit to put up an announcement about this? Maybe I just never paid attention before….  Anyway.
Good to know. Bring it on, Mr Kim.
Actually, I got an email from the US Embassy saying that they weren’t issuing any advisories for US citizens in South Korea. And apparently the South is not moving to evacuate their workers from Gaeseong, despite the recent border closure. I really don’t think it’s as bad as the media likes to portray.

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