Caveat: 태풍

pictureIt’s the first typhoon of the monsoon season. I love stormy weather, but walking home from work can get a little bit wet, as last night. I need to invest in a better umbrella.
I had some students in a class, yesterday, and we were talking about “I want to be a … ” – i.e., career choices. The boys, being 5th grade boys, came up with things like soldier and even “weapons designer.” I tried to take their increasingly violent suggestions seriously, but when it got to “terrorist” and “karma destroyer” (I was visualizing Shiva, but the boy meant our hagwon, named “karma”), I had to cut it off. And then one boy suggested that he wanted to become an “umbrella designer,” and I thought, ‘damn, he’s onto something – why are umbrellas so crappy?’

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