Caveat: let the gray in

I love those gray, overcast, almost-gonna-rain mornings. I'm weird, I know. Perhaps it was because of those formative years in Humboldt? Certainly, those types of mornings were common enough. But here in suburban Seoul, they tend to be about 20 degrees F warmer than Humboldt mornings of similar feel. So actually they remind me more of Minneapolis summer weather than Humboldt weather.

I enjoy the weather. I fling my windows wide and let the gray in.

Meanwhile… a completely random picture from the archive: Santa Monica, 1994. Jeffrey (my stepson), Andrew (my younger brother) and I built this very immense sand castle. Here is a picture of that castle. Not-so-gray weather, but the beach wasn't hot that day, as I recall.


What I'm listening to right now.

Olivia Newton-John with ELO, "Magic." From the soundtrack for the movie Xanadu. Who ever actually saw that movie? I don't think I did.

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