Caveat: Make a comment…

Normally I don't invite much comment on this blog.  It's more of a one-way thing, seems like.  Partly, it's because the comment notification gadget doesn't seem to actually work — typepad (my bloghost) never sends me any notice when someone comments here.   That being said, this one time, go ahead and comment on the below "survey," if you want.  I'll try to check back regularly to this post and see
what people have put.

This is cross-posted from my facebook page (where actually I don't spend much time). 

Jared is going to make a little survey.  I'm approaching the end of my teaching contract in South Korea (39 teaching days left; two months).  I'm trying to decide "what next" for life.

Without allowing for ANY preconceptions (though obviously some of you are more informed about my interests and abilities than others)… what do all these various friends and acquaintances think I should do next?  Obviously, I reserve the right to ignore everyone.  But I'm curious what people come up with.

One comment

  1. Bob

    4. Teaching English in Mongolia, after completing a short certification program–and after visiting your friends and family in North America
    In the spirit of your initial list from the previous post, I didn’t give this much forethought either–it was just the one idea on that list that jumped out at me as the type of a thing you should do. Living in Lisbon sounds intriguing too.

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