Caveat: surreptitious haggle

I receive quite a bit of spam.  Like most people, I'm sure.  But I received one this evening that seems exceptional. 

First of all, like some of the best spam, it is clearly the output of some random word generation/selection algorithm, and ends up seeming like a fragment of avant garde poetry. 

But what really stands out about it, is that it doesn't appear to be selling anything at all.  There were no attachments.  There's no embedded plea for financial help for a Nigerian, nor is there any recommendation for any "hot" stock or link to any enhancement-drug-selling website.

So… is this spam-for-spam's-sake?  Spam-as-a-public-service, like the poetry they put on city buses some places?  Spam-as-occult-message-from-another-dimension?  Should I try to decipher it and discover the hidden meaning of life?  It's begging me to.  Is it the work of the Azerbaijani tourist bureau (note the dead links on the word "baku")?

Here is the complete text of spam:

surreptitious haggle 

suppressible coachmen baku flathead dissuade cutthroat

precinct cutthroat dissuade idiosyncratic idiosyncratic middleweight
individualism drop brazilian idiosyncratic articulatory harshen dutiable haul summit dutiable purl 
pogo guidance articulatory drop articulatory precinct handout baku botch thee remorseful 
homage coachmen dowager botch middleweight summit

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