Caveat: Tree #1720 “The Rockpit Palms Resort”

This tree is a cartoon palm tree in a stop-motion gif I made while messing around in January, 2014. Really, the tree is ancillary – the alligator and mouse play the central roles in this drama.


The power went out today, because of high winds. A standard Southeast Alaskan gale. It was out in town for only about an hour, but it was out at home for more than 6 hours. Arthur and I heated some leftover spaghetti sauce with rice on the wood stove, it went fine. As long as the temperatures aren’t substantially below freezing, power outages at home are very low stress, really. The stress only arises when low temperatures cause anxiety about our water system freezing.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4.5km; retailing, 5hr]

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